Car Door Mirror Replacement

Car Mirror Fix Near Me

Car Mirror Replacement

If your vehicle’s mirror falls off or cracks, bring your car, truck or SUV to Auto One, and let the experts repair or replace the mirror for you.

Auto One shops can repair or replace interior rearview mirrors or external door mirrors.  Our technicians have the auto glass, mechanical, and electrical expertise to complete your car mirror repair.

Top Reasons for Mirror Replacement

Why did my mirror fall off?

There are many reasons why a rearview mirror might fall off the front windshield. These are the top reasons we see in the shop:

Bad Road Conditions

Old Adhesive

Accidentally Bumped

Interior Car Mirror Replacement
Satisfaction on Interior Mirrors
Exterior Mirrors Repaired per Year
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Thinking of a Smart Rearview Mirror Replacement?

Standard Mirror Repair or Smart Mirror Replacement: Get It Done at Auto One!

Side-view Mirror Repair

Auto Mirrors

Made in Michigan

Our replacement mirrors are cut, lasered, and assembled by the nation’s best manufacturing right here in Michigan!

Can You Repair my Side-view Mirror?

Our vast catalog of side-view mirrors covers makes and models starting with the 1960s to the present. Each year the catalog grows as new vehicles are introduced.

Repair but Not Replacement

In some cases, the entire mirror assembly will need to be replaced. When the entire assembly must be fixed, Auto One Glass shops will refer you to a local body shop for estimates and replacements.